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young woody 3:12 Mon Sep 12
We need to stick together boys!
Saturday was a shambles.
I've always been pro move and quite like the new ground. However all this fighting each other which even started in a pub I went to is fucking shit!!

If we want this to work we need to stick together not make it worse. We all want West Ham to win so remember who you are. You're West Ham United! We stick together.


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Buster 11:22 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
mental's a proper pisshead.

BulphanIron 11:21 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
Mentors had a beer, or been sniffing Brady's dirty knickers again.

Off your rocker...

mentor 11:03 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
When me and my mate Scotty stick together there ain't a firm in the country can take us.

bruuuno 10:18 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
I think that many problems are caused by the fact we have an extra 20k fans half of whom are probably right pikeys on kids tickets, as well there is unlimited beer. We could be playing in the maracana and there would be loads of rows

CaptainBlueAndClaret 10:00 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
Mike Oxsaw,

I remember your very apt report on the tale of the two buses, with regards to Whistle many years ago...

Yet again you have written another blockbuster!

I agree with you, "Break that link with the community and you break the club."

IMHO, it is a question of whether the current owners, who are now are in a hole of their own making, want to keep digging?

Far Cough 4:06 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
I think I will just skim over Oxsnore's posts

gank 4:05 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
You're still right to criticise them for singing it though, it's not a relevant chant these days.

Deano54 4:02 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
gank 3:57 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!

I hold my hands up then gank. Learn something new everyday.
apologies to the man singing it, just thought it sounded different at the time. Had never heard it sung any other way in the 20 years ive been going thats all.

gank 3:57 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
Deano, that chant originated many years ago in the Out Performance Display Cup and the words were 'couldn't lift Frank Lampard'.

It changed to 'couldn't carry Lampard' later on and the original scans a lot better.

So actually you will have to concede that you are a newer fan than those who started the chant and moreover that those people you're trying to dig out for being newbies are more old school than you are.

I expect you also sing 'they reach the sky'.

Johnson 3:52 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
collyrob 3:26 Mon Sep 12

Seating vs standing, old vs new, young vs old, firm vs gobby greenstreeters

There were lots of causes for the rucks on Saturday, it isn't as black and white as folk are making out.

Mike Oxsaw 3:48 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
I think the concept of "sticking together" went out about the same tome as "social" media imposed itself on ALL our lives (yes, even those of us who don't use it).

People will "have their say, and, damn the consequences", that seems to be the order of things now (as so amply demonstrated by the number of threads all about virtually the same thing after Saturday's shambles.

Someone needs to step to the fore and start organising and co-ordinating comments on the subject, whilst still allowing a free reign to those justifiably angered. Who though I can't say, and, equally, fucked if anybody thinks they can "nominate" me just to allow them to both get what they want and "just get on with their lives". Is West Ham not your life any more now?

If you think about things a little, the owners...well, Brady, at least, has made a big thing about how wonderful (sic) the stadium is for people to go and enjoy their "footballing experience (SPIT!)".

Imagine their horror - and by association that of all associated with the whole contractual side, for they are all part of it, no matter how many legal hoops are between them and that "footballing experience" - Imagine their horror at the sight of swathes of empty seats being beamed across the globe.

People/tourists/day-trippers, call them what you like will start to think "Maybe the London Stadium is not so "must-see" after all." and take themselves and there money elsewhere for the day.

The club need to face up to the reality (and not give a shit about "losing face", here; we're near "The Orient", but not of it,) and sort out a standing area really quickly - no matter who they claim stops the buck on the matter.

A significant number of (paying) fans want to stand because that's what a significant number of (paying) fans want to do. It's not up to the club (or service provider, to use Brady-speak) to question why, it's up to them to meet customer demand or get out of the market-place. Return On Investment IS important, but it's not all.

At the end of the day, the game is still a sport - followed by millions (and their money), I agree, but it's still a sport; a set of matches between two teams of players representing (local) communities.

Break that link with the community and you break the club.

simon.s 3:39 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
Johnson, I agree the level of fighting is as a result of the seating issues, but the actual phenomenon of fighting amongst each other is nothing new. Clearly different types of fans, being slung in together is not working.

southlondonhammer 3:35 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
The thing I don't quite get is why it bothers some fans so much how other people choose to support during the match.

Do I join in every song started, no not always, my choice.

Where I SIT there is a growing discontent because the skinny jean wearing fellas behind me seem to think they are BETTER supporters cause they make a show of themselves for 90 mins and take issue with not everyone joining in on EVERY song.

They are harmless enough and I don't have an issue with them acting up if that's how they want to go about things, there will be an issue though if they feel they are the spokespeople for the entire block and can cunt everyone else off

Deano54 3:30 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
I think the problem is between the older fanbase and the new fanbase.

Heard one trying to start 10 many couldn't lift Lampard the other day against Astra. Yes lift ...

collyrob 3:26 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!

What's the massive issue dividing the fanbase? Seating and standing?

Johnson 3:25 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
simon.s 3:14 Mon Sep 12

Come off it, when has their ever been 20 odd fights in the ground during the same game even whilst we were winning.

This is a MASSIVE issue dividing the fanbase, people need to take their head out of the sand and pretending it's always been like this as it most certainly has not.

BulphanIron 3:23 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
Hello Karren!

young woody 3:20 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
I agree and over the years I have seen a few.

But nothing like this and don't pretend it isn't happening

simon.s 3:14 Mon Sep 12
Re: We need to stick together boys!
West Ham have been fighting each other for years.

That's nothing new.

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